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  • Family Life, Real Life Ramblings, Self Care For Moms

    Mom Moments: Breaking Free From Guilt


    Those moments.  The mom ones.  The ones you live for.  And then the ones that make you cringe. Those that you want to remember forever. Those you wish you could erase from your memory. But each one is a moment of time attached to your life. Each day I find myself encountering almost all of these emotions. Each day I experience the highs and lows of those moments.

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  • Family Life, Real Life Ramblings

    Creating Connections

    Creating Connections

    I can not believe we are halfway through July… like actually where does time go???

    This post has been a work in progress as I was struggling to find the words to really convey my message; to be honest I am still not sure I have found them.  BUT none-the-less here is the post…

    How do we as parents cultivate and foster the passions and interests we see in our children??  At what age should we do more than encourage and start pushing?? And why so much pressure on ensuring our children have such  narrow passions???

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