Choices and Instincts… who decides???
Recently I have been having an ongoing conversation about the freedom of choice and the idea of who determines our path in life. There are so many beliefs carried by many different people that is there really one right answer??
The conversation stems from a situation where a dear and cherished friend of mine has been faced with some very challenging life choices. As someone who grew up in a very strict faith and in adulthood committed and chose her faith over anything – she is now bound by the values and morals of her guiding religion. Only now what? And what about people who have been raised with freedom of faith? What binds us and drives us? As I have friends on both sides I am lucky enough to get to engage in close and honest conversations on both sides. How is our life determined? At what point, does love or life take precedent over prescribed beliefs and values? Is there a healthy mix of both??
The reality is there is no roadmap for life- at least not one that I have seen. I believe in the power of choice and I understand that is not the same for everyone. I believe my destiny is not determined but rather I can choose, alter, guide and steer my life towards a destiny. The twists and turns at each corner remind me that I have the freedom to choose and for that I am grateful. Human instinct is such an incredibly strong force and I have learned that when I trust my instinct I come out on the other side happy. Trust me, I do not have it all figure out- in fact I have very little figured out but I am learning to trust my instinct more. I am learning to remember that life is not planned and that sometimes detouring off course can have amazing outcomes. Thinking about my friend who followed her heart – her instinct- I am hopeful that after the hurt and pain is gone she will embrace her choice to follow her instinct.
Photos: Jenna Sparks
shop the look: denim // top // booties // earrings // tote // brALETTE
Choosing my outfit is like choosing my destiny- I get to decide and I get to mix and match. Enter this open back flowy top which is a little bit off the path for me. Oh, and I choose to wear white denim year-round: talk about veering off course! Ha. I have had my eye on this top for a while but always felt it was a little out of character for me but I decided to just go for it and I am so glad I did!! I L O V E it. I wore it here with a lace bralette and love the free-flowing nature and the openness of the back. It is perfect for spring days as it is still long sleeve to add some warmth but the open back makes it perfect for those warm spring days.
White denim. Let’s not be scared to wear it all year round. Embrace it, wear it, love it. These new skinnies were a part of the “Operation Update my Denim” that you may have read about in this post. I was so excited to get back to the US and start buying up some essential staples and these were first, maybe second, on the list. I will wear them all season- all year!!! I may add a pair of distressed like <these> or <these> to the line-up shorty but for now I am loving these babies.
New location = new booties. Again, really capitalizing on the weather and indulging in all the perforated styles. These were a great purchase and will carry me right on through to flip-flop and sandal weather.
I consider myself to be an open and transparent person and therefore I am willing to write and share my wonderings, to share my values and beliefs. The fact that my heart and instinct would lead me down one path and there are people, whom I consider very dear friends, have been lead down a different path is encouraging as it reminds me about the power of choice. It keeps me on my toes and allows me the opportunity to both expand my knowledge and open my perspective to something different. Furthermore, the fact that conversations don’t turn into judgement is a reminder of the power of humanity and positive intent. Connecting with others and engaging in discussions about real things- including religion and choice- is what I live for. I am not a superficial person. I want to talk about deep things- I want to talk about life. Thanks for allowing me the freedom and space to do so here. Thank you for supporting and being open minded to differences in opinions.
With Love,
Shop all the items here with one click- I try to ensure everything is in stock and update if needed!