About Me

hi! I am Amanda

I am a wife, boy mom, real estate agent, daughter, sister and a friend. 

Welcome to Pish to Posh 

This blog is a resources for mothers with kiddos who have sensory processing disorder. My son, Declan was diagnosed just after this fourth birthday.  And then at the age of 7 he was diagnose with combined ADHD.  Each day we are navigating parenthood through the lens of sensory processing disorder and differently wried children.  My hope is that you find resources, feel connected and learn to thrive in your role as a mother or care giver.  Whether your child is diagnosed or you have suspicions use this space to remember you are not alone. Together we will navigate the multi facetted life kids with SPD and other diagnosis’s.   

A true Colorado native; born and raised in the mountains.  Coffee, blizzards, my son’s car singing and New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc are my vices. A dreamer, realist and explorer.  I love to travel, feel uncomfortable in new situations and challenge myself.  My son is my inspiration, my Pomeranian makes me laugh and my husband grounds me.

Currently a dynamite real estate agent, former stay-at-home mama but an even former special education teacher.  My passion is people and I love interacting with others.  With adding real estate agent to my list of titles I am able to connect with others, help change their lives and build new relationships! BUT If I could do it all again I would be a cultural anthropologist but will have to grow up to do that!!  If I am not shuttling my son around, working with clients or listening to true crime podcasts you can find me rambling about my life, drinking a nice glass of wine or writing about our journey with SPD.

With Love, 

Looking for GREAT resources for sensory processing disorder and/or differently wired children?? 

I have a free resources library that I created for my son based on my background in special education and I am sharing it. Click HERE it’s FREE!!!

Saving The Best For You 
Free Resource Library 



get access to the exclusive subscriber only resource library full of ideas to help you dominate parenting! 



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Give it a try. What do you have to loose? 

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